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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Review Flow Majlis Resepsi

Review Flow Majlis Resepsi

Ok, dear b2b…arini kite review pasal Majlis Resepsi la…majlis resepsi sy buat pada hari yang same dgn hari nikah…ramai yg ckp agak kelam kabut sket nnt mjlis…mmg ade kebenarannye…mmg agak kelam kabut tp sy memikirkan kaum keluarga mertua xla  menyusahkan nnt…
Tema majlis sbnarnye turquoise-coklat pd mulanye…tp jd turquoise-purple…xpela…jnji mjlis berjln lancar sume…mjlis start pukul 12 tghari-5ptg…mjlis sanding pukul 2…adat johor mst ade tol kan…tp mse mjlis di rumah sy, tol yg dibuat x terkawal smpai 4 lapis…kesian suami sy…tp yg paling sy terkilan…sy bersanding tp tiada tepung tawar…sy hanya tahu mse da ade atas pelamin…keluarga mertua pulak menunggu untuk tepung tawar …da abis mjlis baru sy dpt tahu yg makcik sy xbenarkan ade tepung tawar…itu mjlis sy, sy xsuka ade yg sibuk cmpur  tgn arahkan ape yg blh, ape yg x..mungkin pd sesetengah org tepung tawar x elok…tp ni Cuma adat yg sy nak buat sbg suka2…yg sy geram ngan makcik sy 2, hal tepung tawar, komen sane sini bkn main…tp bkn tlg ape2 pn wlpn tuk basuh 1 pinggan…tp komen cm la bagus sgt…sorry…emo sket…huhu…ok…da, layan gambar la k…nnt smbung review vendor plak la next n3…

ok...till then darl ;)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

review baju nikah

Salam Dear…

Arini nk review pasal baju nikah…I luv my nikah outfit the most…why it is so special? Coz I did almost 70 % of it…starting from the design which is inspired from various sources until the beading and patch lace by my own…another 30% is  I do not sew the outfit…hantar jahit kat PKNS shah alam…but I strongly not recommended to other b2b coz there are more drama, such as delay,outcome not like expected, bahagian tgn singkat…mcm2 la…but I manage to solve by my own….i do patch lace at the top of it inspired by Shira Ayob engagement dress, flowy skirt inspired by top designer  Rizman Ruzaini, and I luv the most is butang berderet kat belakang which make me feel so sexy but still covered inspired by Bella wedding dress in Twilight Movie and the compliment with classic veil-mantila style which is full border lace around the veil and by truly my idea is just pleated net that I attach at the end of my lengan baju…actually lengan baju singkat, so tuk menutup sy tambah dengan net yg sy jahit dengan pleat...but it look just nice…sy da xnk jd bridezilla mengamuk pasal bju…just think how to fix it and positive it can turn out well n it might be fashion…somehow ade yg ingat sy tempah kat designer!!  So b2b out there just think positive n u’ll be beautiful on ur big day ;) 

ok...till then dear...
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