Review Vendor
Salam Dear…
Review vendor ni sy khas kan sbg ucapan terima kasih sbb jd
sebahagian dri tenaga besar yg menjayakan mjlis sy…tnpa kerja mereka, xdela
pelamin, xde la jamuan n sebagainya…so entry sy khas tuk mereka2 yg byk
membantu sy…lets start one by one
Pelamin, Baju
Resepsi, Makeup n Meja Beradap
This is the most part I like…vendor ni butik perkahwinan yg
kecil je…don’t expect me to spend more just to have grand wedding…somehow, ade
yg x percaya package yg sy ambik ni less than 2k…most bridal boutique package
start from rm2k…but mine the package is rm1450.00…sy dpt pelamin 3panel which
is consist of 2 oval and 1 box panel, meja beradap 1 box panel, 1 baju sanding
baru, 2kali makeup..its is highly recommended…pelamin sgt cntik…owner xberkira
pn ngan customer…ape yg sy mintak sume die provide tnpe extra charge…I want
giant evafoam flower, chandelier stand, 3 panel dais…pengantin giler kuasa mmg
cmni…byr murah tp demand…haha…tp sy anggp sbg rezeki la…mostly tuk bju baru
mane2 butik perkahwinan akan charge harga bju baru lain kan…but 4 me, rezeki la
kan sbb 1 week before dorang ade festival pengantin..dorang wat bju baru tuk
fashion show…so, sy customer 1st yg pakai bju ..and just nice pd
badan sy…at first mmg sy da try baju suami x berkenan baju lelaki dia
yg ade coat kat luar…he want Nehru suit…so, owner ask me to come again…believe
me..i just fitting the dress 3 days before n the meanwhile I pray hard it turn
out well…mmg xpernah dibuat org la kan…klu la xelok…cmne nk cri bju lain dlm
mse 3 ari sblm mjlis…that’s why I said, I’m just lucky n bersyukur atas
rezeki-Nya…ok…jom layan hasil kerja dorang…

i luv the giant eva foam 2...;)
baju sanding full
gambar pelamin full xde...yg ni je penuh sket...hehe ;P
one panel for meja beradap ;)
For catering sy xde masalah sbb sy serahkan sume pd my luvly
mum…she know the best…sy gunakan catering yg same kakak sy gunakan mase mjlis
perkahwinan die..sbb kami xde masalah sblm ni..jadi da ade kepercayaan kat
situ…catering makanan sedap…makanan pn cukup sume, xterlalu membazir…harga pn
affordable rm7.00 plak nasi beriani, ayam masak merah, daging
masak beriani, acar buah, dalca n buah…
Same as catering…I
leave it to mum and she got some friend that have canopy business…so deal..i
ask to have full white canopy mean all skirting
white in color, all chair cover…the special is I got very good price …rm1000.00
for 5 arabian canopy complete with
curtain with 18 round table complete with cover and flower as centerpiece in
each table and all chair cover…really good bargain…how lucky I’m…rezeki-NYA
For Deejay…my
sis manage to get one…but sgt2 teruk…really frustrated… she suppose to setup
and check all their equipment in well condition…I mean test everything all the
cd, a day before at least…ni tak…da la setup lambat… actually I want maher zain
song just after nikah done…but none…she
just came n baru nak setup sume…around 12 o’clock my sis ask me whether I got
some song in my lappy…I ask why…then she said all cd cannot play…how come…sgt
geram…u know how I feel…geram sgt…tp sy da nak start makeup…xde mase nk marah
pn…just let my sis choose the song…the rest I don’t really hear the song all
day long…
Videographer ni sy dpt kan dri abg ipar sy…die tlg crikan…at
first, I don’t have any budget to have videographer…but I really want video
during nikah…so I ask my BIL to find cheaper one…he manage to get but the
videographer normally took for 1day…OMG at first I thought maybe xde rezeki…tp
die offer RM450 for nikah n sanding coverage…really fit my budget…so deal…n the
videographer also really punctual n he help me to setup the nikah place…where
to put hantaran, where the groom n tok kadi should sit…FYI I did nikah at home
n it must be crowded..but still it could fit nicely…puas ati…x sabar nk tgk
hasil kerja die..
I choose Photoluso..they r not a big name…what can I say I
just choose what I afford suit my budget n hasil kerja dorang memuaskan
ati sy…if anyone interested with their work…here is their FB…do contact them…;)
can’t wait to see my album..Suppose it take 1-2 month..
thats all 4 today...c 4 the next entry ok ;)